Exciting finds in Hampshire!

8th December 2020

A group of our archaeologists uncovered an unusual square-shaped feature on one of our Hampshire sites – see image (2)

Using the upmost care and respect, the very patient team excavated the feature to uncover extremely interesting finds.

This is a perfect (and quite rare) example of a probable Bronze Age token cremation. During the excavation we found multiple vessels, which indicates that this is a cremation of someone who is likely to be of high status. One vessel was still very much intact – see image (3)

These burnt pieces of pot feature a galaxy-like effect from being burnt at high temperatures; as you can see the clay has a purple/black appearance surrounding the various temper materials (shell, stone, grit etc.) The temper materials are added to the clay to prevent shrinkage and cracking during the drying process – see image (4)

If you look closely at image (1) & (5) you can see hand-made decoration embedded into the surface of the clay. This indicates that this pot had a special purpose and wasn’t for domestic use.

It’s finds like these that makes us want to get up in the morning, and super excited to get covered in mud from head to toe!