Historic Building Recording (Survey)
What is an Historic Building Recording?
Usually an Historic Building Recording (Survey) (aka Archaeological Standing Building Recording) is a measured archaeological record of a historic building prior to alteration or demolition. It may be carried out prior to Planning Application or more usually it is required as a Planning Condition by the local council to secure approval for development.
Programmes of Historic Building Recording are carried out in accordance with criteria and guidance stipulated by Historic England. The level of recording is usually specified either by the local Archaeological Officer or Heritage/Conservation Officer in accordance with Historic England Guidelines which specify four distinct levels of recording:
Level 1 – A basic photographic record
Level 2 – A summary written & photographic record
Level 3 – An analytical written, drawn & photographic record
Level 4 – A detailed analytical written, drawn & photographic record
What does it involve?
Depending on the level of the recording, the Historic Building Survey will broadly speaking, comprise a photographic and /or drawn record of the specific building informed by consultation of relevant sources of archaeological and historical information.
Our Heritage Consultants will produce an appropriately detailed report presenting the results of the Historic Building Recording which will then be submitted to the relevant Officer for approval, thus discharging the relevant planning condition.
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What Happens Next?
The Historic Building Recording (Survey) will discharge the relevant planning condition allowing development to proceed.
Meet our Historic Building Recording Team